On October 29th, three bikes were stolen out of our garage. They were actually locked to rings on the wall — and the cuts were clean so it looks like some bike thief pros. The CAADX was less than a week old (and I was really loving it).
Two of the bikes are pictured, here. I’d appreciate any heads up if you happen to come across one of them on the market. You can reach me via email: johnmont (at) fxguide.com
Details as to the makes/models:
56cm Scott CR1 Team (Black & Red) with HED JET 4 Wheels
(Serial Number TBD — docs are back in Chicago)
51cm Cannondale CAADX 105 (Black and White)
Serial Number EM33381
50cm Specialized Dolce Apex (White & Green)
Serial Number WSBC 602 059 086F

3 Responses to “Three Stolen Bikes”
That is truly effed up :