Apps I Love: Triage
I get an enormous volume of email every day, with several hundred received every 24 hours. Dealing with the volume is minimized a bit by utilizing Gmail filtering, which is absolutely brilliant. When mail is received, it gets filed into … Continued
Apps I Love: Alfred
The next offering in the “Apps I Love” series is Alfred, a killer application launcher. If you’ve never used an application launcher before (Quicksilver was a previous standard), they are great for quickly navigating through your system. But the thing … Continued
Apps I Love: Fantastical
It may seem as though I’m calendar-obsessed, but frankly it’s a critical part of what we do in the collaborative workflow of fxguide and fxphd. In the Chicago offices, we have several calendars which we use to track production, term … Continued
Using Google Calendar instead of iCloud
iCloud is still very much in beta, experiencing the loss of several useful features from MobileMe when making the transition to the new platform. A huge shortcoming of Apple’s calendar functionality is that if the person you want to share … Continued
initial thoughts on OS X Lion
I’ve been working with OS X Lion installed on my MacBook Pro for the last several weeks and the experience has been incredibly painless. It’s not my main “production” workstation as I’m still using a MacPro tower at work for … Continued
a real fcp x press release (from red giant)
While the verdict is definitely out (or in most minds already delivered) about Final Cut Pro X — I’m happy to see this press release from Red Giant. Reading between the lines, it seems as though the new SDK might … Continued
final cut x
The headline is what I think Apple should have called the app that was released earlier this week. Mark Dascoli (who works for us at fxphd) and I were chatting about this at work. We both felt that much of … Continued
leaving the computer at home: email filters
In the previous installment of this series, I wrote about managing email sync and more importantly the sorting of the hundreds of emails I receive daily into hierarchy of folders. Without any kind of rules-based sorting, it is incredibly difficult … Continued
leaving the computer at home: email
As the summer heats up, I’ve been wanting to ride my bike into work but I don’t want to have to worry about lugging my MacBook Pro along with me. Was there a way I could fairly easily and effectively … Continued
my new iphone calendar fave
Jon Gruber pointed out calvetica on his site. As a lover of Helvetica, what could be better than a clean simple calendar program. Its my new default. Love it.
os x software: launch bar
My OS X software recommendation for this week is Launch Bar, a nifty unobtrusive utility from Objective Development. I’ve grown to appreciate simple utility applications, ones that aren’t bloated with too many features or looks. This app is simplicity at … Continued
stop messing with my copy/paste
John Gruber’s post on Daring Fireball alerted me to the Tynt service that many web sites are using. What basically happens is that when you visit a Tynt-enabled web site, a javascript is loaded which feeds information of what you … Continued
iPad content
I eagerly downloaded the Wired iPad app to check out how it worked. I was disappointed with the layout and navigation. I found myself lost at times as well as innundated by an overwhelming number of advertisements. I’m finding the … Continued